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ICONS OF SAINTS: J | Greek Orthodox Name Days
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The present extensive collection of more than 2300 Christian Orthodox icons, was compiled by the late Rev.Christopher KLITOU, Oeconomos of the Church of ST.GEORGE at SYLIKOU, LIMASSOL, CYPRUS. Father Christopher, pray for us.

Η παρούσα εκτενής συλλογή από περισσότερες από 2300 Χριστιανικές Ορθόδοξες Αγιογραφίες, είχε ολοκληρωθεί απο τον εκλιπόντα εφημέριο Χριστόφορο Κλείτου, Οικονόμο της Ιεράς Μονής Αγίου Γεωργίου Συλίκου, Λευκωσίας Κύπρου. Πάτερ Χριστόφορε, πρέσβευε υπέρ ημων.
 Jacob The Prophet  Jacob Netsvetov, Enlightener of Alaska James the Lord's Brother

James, the son of Zebedee, Apostle

 James of Alphaeus, Apostle

James of Nisibis

 James the Confessor

James, Hieromartyr, the Zealot

James the Persian James, martyr  James the Solitary of Syria James of Borovichi, Wonderworker of Novgorod
  Januarius of Neapolis Jason, Apostle

Jeremiah The Prophet 

Jeremiah, of the 13 Martyrs of Kantara, Cyprus

 Jerome, Ascetic Jeronimus (Jerome) Jesse, The Righteous Jesse, Bishop of Tsilkan in Georgia
Jesus [Joshua], Son of Nun  Joachim, Father of Mary the Mother of God

Joachim (Papoulakis) of Ithaki

Joanna the Myrrhbearer

 Joanicius the Great Joannicius of Devic Joannicius, Hieromartyr of Serbia Joasaph, Ascetic of Meteora, 1422-3
Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod Joasaph, Prince of India Joasaph, Prince Andrew of Kubensk, Vologda  Job the Long-Suffering
Job, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Job, Abbot of Pochaev

 Joel The Prophet

John the Baptist
John the Theologian John Chrystostom, Patriarch of Constantinople John the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople John the Merciful
John, Archbishop, Wonderworker of Novgorod John Maximovitch, Metropolitan of Tobolsk John, The Chozebite John, Mauropus, Bishop of Euchaita
John, The Hesychast, Bishop of Colonia John, Bishop of Suzdal John of Kronstadt John the Sabbaite
John, Son of St. Xenophon John, of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste John of Kazan

John, of Lithuania

John the Soldier at Constantinople John, the Selfless Physician

John of the 13 Martyrs of Cantara, Cyprus

John Botamitis (of the river) of Cyprus
John, Hieromartyr, Abbot of Monastery at Monagri, Cyprus John, New Greatmartyr of Sochi, who suffered at Belgrade John Koukouzelis John Lampadistis of Cyprus
John, Abbot of Rila John, Ascetic, Colobus John Cassian of Rome, Ascetic +435 John the Hermit
John of Damascus, the Hymnwriter John 'the hairy', Fool for Christ, Rostov John Kalyvites John the Russian
 John of Ustiug, the Fool for Christ John the disciple of Barsanuphius the Great John Theristus (the Harvester) of Sicily and Calabria John of the Well

John, Ascetic, Author of the Ladder

John the Disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis John the Psychaites John, Acsetic
John of Sviatogorsk, Georgia John Chimchimeli, The Philosopher

John Zedazneli

of Zaden, Georgia  

John, Abbot of Zedazeni Monastery
 John Shavteli of Salosi, Georgia John of Georgia John, Batatzis, Doukas (King) John, Vladimir, King of Serbia
John the Newmartyr, Archbishop of Riga and Latvia John the Newmartyr of Naousa, 1822 John, Newmartyr of Monembasia, 1773


Newmartyr of Thasos, 1652

John, Newmartyr of Ioannina, 1526

John, Newmartyr, Vlachos, 1622 John Kochurov, New Hieromartyr John, Newmartyr of Thessaloniki, Koulakiotis, 1776
John, Newmartyr of Konitza and Agarenon, 1814 John, Newmartyr, the Tourkolekas, 1816 Stamatius, Nicholas & John, Newmartyrs of Spetsa, 1822 John, Nannos, Newmartyr of Thessalonica, 1785
John, of Santa Cruz, Newmartyr of USA John of Prislop John, Abbot of Gorze in Lorraine

John of Beverley, Bishop of York

Jonah The Prophet

Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow Jonah, Archbishop of Novgorod
Joseph, The All-Good  Joseph the Betrothed Joseph of Arimathaea Joseph, Abbot of Alaverdi, Georgia
 Joseph the Hymnographer Joseph, martyr Joseph, The Outpourer of Myrrh Joseph, Abbot of Volokolamsk, Volotsk
Joseph the New Joseph, of Cappadosia,

Joseph of 13 Martyrs of Kantara, Cyprus

Joseph, the Much-Ailing of the Kiev Far Caves
Joseph the Confessor of Maramures Joseph of serbia

Joseph Abibus

of Zaden

Jude, Apostle of the Twelve

Judith the Righteous Judocus (Judganoc, Josse), Brother of King Judicäel Julia, Virgin Martyr Julia of Carthage

Julian [Elianus] of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste 

Julian The Physician of Emesa +284 Julian, Martyr of Cicilia   
Julian, Martyr of Campania
Julian, the Hospitaller, the Poor Julian of Auvergne, Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia  Juliana of Constantinople
Juliana of  Lazarevo Julitta Junia, Apostle  Justa, Ascetic
Justin the Philosopher Justin Popovic of Chelije Justina of Nicomedia Justinian the Great
Justus, Apostle Justus, martyr Justus, martyr Justus, Child-martyr of Alcala in Spain
Juvenal, Martyr of Alaska