Jesus fish sign - Σήμα Ι.Χ.Θ.Υ.Σ.

Greek Orthodox names that start with the letter V

VAFIS (Vafis)0not known  
VAFYKLIS (Vafyklis)0not known  
VAIOS (*) (Vaia , Vaios, Juli)13April  
VAIVO (Vaivo)0not known  
VAKHYLIDIS (Vakhylidis)0not known  
VAKIS (Vakis)0not known  
VALANTIOS (Valantios)12October  
VALENTINI (Valentina, Valentine, Valentini, Valentinos, Dina, Dinos)14February  
VALERIOS (Valerios, Valerianos)22November  
VARITIMOS (Varitimos, Varitimi)0not known  
VARNAVAS (Varnavas)11June  
VARSAMIA (Varsamo, Varsimaios, Valsamo, Valsamia, Valsamis)29January click for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VASILIKI (Vasiliki, Vivian, Vasilina, Vaso, Vicky, Viki)1January  
VASILIS (Vasilis, Vassilis, Basil, Bill)1January  
VASILISSA (Vasilissa, Vasilisa, Basilissa)8Januaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VELISSARIOS (Velissarios, Velissaria)0not known  
VELLEREFONTIS (Vellerefontis, Vellerefondis)0not known  
VENETIA (Venetia, Venice, Venetis, Venetios)0not known  
VENIZELOS (Venizelos, Venizela, Venos, Veni)0not known  
VERENIC (Verenike, Vereniki, Verenica)12July  
VERINA (Verina, Vera)4October  
VERONICΑ (Veronike, Veroniki, Veronica, Berenice)12July  
VIAS (Vias)0not known  
VICTOR (Viktoras)11Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VILI (Vili, Villi, Vilia)28Octoberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VINCENT (Vikentios, Bikentios)11Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VIOLETA (1) (Violeta, Violet)4Augustclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VIOLETA (2) (Violeta, Violet)11Septemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VION (Vion)0not known  
VIRGINIA (Virginia)21Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
VISARION (Visarion)15September  
VIVIANOS (Vivianos, Vivi, Vivian)9March  
VIVOS (Vivos, Vivi)6September  
VLADIMIR (Vladimiros)15July  
VLASSIS (Vlassis)11February  
VOIO (Voio)0not known  
VOIOTOS (Voiotos)0not known  
VOREAS (Voreas)0not known  
VOROS (Voros)0not known  
VOTRYS (Votrys)0not known  
VRASIDAS (Vrasidas)0not known  
VRISIIS (Vrisiis)0not known  
VRONTINOS (Vrontinos, Vrondinos)0not known  
VRONTIS (Vrontis, Vrondis)0not known  
VROTEAS (Vroteas)0not known  
VRYAS (Vryas)0not known  
VRYMI (Vrymi)0not known  
VRYSON (Vryson)0not known  
VYRON (Vyron)0not known  
VYZAS (Vyzas)0not known  

total 50

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keywords for indexing: eortologio, namedays, orthodox namedays, celebration, name days, name day, synaxarium, synaxaristis, sinaxaristis, movable namedays, Pascha, Easter, when is my nameday, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.