Jesus fish sign - Σήμα Ι.Χ.Θ.Υ.Σ.

Greek Orthodox names that start with the letter O

ODIOS (Odios)0not known  
ODYSSEAS (Odyssefs, Ulysses, Odiseas, Odisseia)0not known  
OFELESTIS (Ofelestis)0not known  
OFELION (Ofelion)0not known  
OFELTIS (Ofeltis)0not known  
OGYGIA (Ogygia)0not known  
OGYGIS (Ogygis)0not known  
OIAGROS (Oiagros)0not known  
OIDIPOUS (Oidipous)0not known  
OINEFS (Oinefs)0not known  
OINOMAHOS (Oinomahos)0not known  
OINOPIDIS (Oinopidis)0not known  
OINOPION (Oinopion)0not known  
OISTROS (Oistros)0not known  
OKALEIA (Okaleia)0not known  
OKEANIS (Okeanis, Oceanis)4September  
OKEANOS (Okeanos, Oceanos)4September  
OKELOS (Okelos)0not known  
OKYPETI (Okypeti)0not known  
OKYRROI (Okyrroi)0not known  
OKYTIS (Okytis)0not known  
OLGA (Olga)11July  
OLIMPIOS (Olimpios, Olympios)3August  
OLINOS (Olinos)0not known  
OLIVIANOS (1) (Olivianos, Olvianos, Olivia)29May  
OLIVIANOS (2) (Olivianos, Olvianos, Olivia)17September  
OLYMBOS (Olymbos)0not known  
OLYMPIA (Olimpia)11May  
OLYMPIAS (Olimpias, Olimpiada)25July  
OLYNTHIOS (Olynthios)0not known  
OMARIS (Omaris)0not known  
ONASIAS (Onasias)0not known  
ONEIROS (Oneiros)0not known  
ONESILOS (Onesilos, Onisilos, Onesilus)0not known  
ONITOR (Onitor)0not known  
ONOMAKLIS (Onomaklis)0not known  
ONOUFRIOS (Onoufrios)12June  
OPITIS (Opitis)0not known  
OPSIMOS (Opsimos)0not known  
ORAIA (Oraia, Orea)0not known  
OREITHYIA (Oreithyia)0not known  
OREOZILI (Oreozili, Oreozeeli)26July  
ORESTIS (Orestis)10Novemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ORFEFS (Orfefs, Orfeas)0not known  
ORION (Orion)10November  
ORMENOS (Ormenos)0not known  
OROIDOS (Oroidos)0not known  
OROS (Oros)0not known  
ORSALIA (Orsalia, Orsalina, Orsaline, Orsel, Orselina, Orseline, Orsola, Orssa)21Octoberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
ORTANSIA (Ortansia, Hortisia)15June  
ORTHAIOS (Orthaios)0not known  
ORTHODOX EASTER - PASCHA (*) (Orthodox Easter - Pascha)20April  
ORTHODOXIA (*) (Orthodoxis, Doxis, Doxakis, Orthodoxia, Orthoula)9March  
ORTILOHOS (Ortilohos)0not known  
OSIOS (Osios, Osia)27Augustclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
OTHON (Othon, Othonas)0not known  
OTOS (Otos)0not known  
OURANIA (1) (Ourania, Urania, Rania)1Septemberclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)
OURANIA (2) (Ourania, Urania, Rania)6Januaryclick for the saint's iconclick for the saint's icon and bio (at the moment only in Greek)

total 59

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keywords for indexing: eortologio, namedays, orthodox namedays, celebration, name days, name day, synaxarium, synaxaristis, sinaxaristis, movable namedays, Pascha, Easter, when is my nameday, orthodox, orthodoxy, saint, saints, martyr, martyrology, hagiology, paschalion, pasha, pasxa, easter, catholic, church, celebration, birthday, eortologio, greek namedays, menology, menaion, menaia, name day, movable, great, feasts, Gospel, Christian community, griechische, namenstage, eortes, giortes, pote giortazei, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.